As we all know, environmental protection is of paramount importance in our society. This is why it is essential to behave in an environmentally responsible manner in the construction industry. Are you familiar with environmentally friendly building materials? Find out in this article about the many advantages they offer!

What are ecological building materials?

Green building materials, also known as ecomaterials, are materials that are part of a sustainable development approach. They are produced from renewable resources, which reduces the ecological footprint of the construction project for which they are used. Indeed, their manufacture requires little energy. To name but a few, wood, hemp and cork are examples of ecological building materials.

Specific criteria

The ecomaterials meet, of course, the same technical criteria as those usually required. Their architectural quality, ease of maintenance, fire resistance and functional performance are thus assured. In addition to these characteristics, eco-friendly building materials also meet environmental and health requirements. They can be recycled at the end of their use, thus reducing the consumption of natural resources, and they guarantee a better quality of life by avoiding the emission of volatile toxic products, for example.

Opt for green building

The use of environmentally friendly building materials will also reduce your energy bill. The use of previously overlooked components, such as straw or thatch, improves building performance. These recycled materials have excellent insulating properties and do not pose a health risk.


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